Sunday, October 18, 2009

another day

It's Sunday, another day. I was bored but I had the laptop. Did some work.

Then I decided to take another look for B17 (aka laetrile or amygdalin). I went out to the city after lunch to clear the boredom and look for this if there was a health shop or chemist on the way. Nothing.

Web surfing tells me that it may be illegal in this country. Unbelievable. Of all the places. The plum tree at home is still months away from fruits. If it can make my cancer go...where the hell am I gonna get this thing from.

limited freedom

Since this was the weekend I was allowed to go home for the day and come back at night.

It was a hot day but I was free. It felt good. Hospital was making me very lazy (lazier actually, I am already lazy) and weak. I go home meet the parents, rest and feel away from all the problems (till 6pm anyways when I have to take the bus back to the hospital).

back to square one

When I checked in the other day Dr G also made a visit.

He had the scans and gave it to me.

I looked at it, it was bad. I couldn't believe the brain tumour had regrown since May. Large and fast. The first tumour was Danny DeVito. This was his bigger brother Arnold DeSchwarzenegger. I hope he's not terminating anymore and just governing. Then I can vote him out of my office.

The cancer around my nasal though was all over the place. It was a mess.

The brain tumour was near the frontal lobe so I knew that the neuro will be tempted to scoop it out. This was later confirmed when the Neuro Registrar (what the hell does that mean) came and suggest that surgery was the most likely scenario followed by radio therapy. If I didn't do anything I get a few months to live, with radio maybe a few years, but both maybe supression for quite a while. Great choice I had. She didn't know what the ENT would do but my guess is that with me out cold (and hopefully alive) they may kick me in the guts as well. We will see next week when I have to move to another hospital that will do the surgery and where they are based.

Can't wait.

I am now back to where I was last year but in another country.

no escape

I knew it was too good. I was taking a shower and a knock was at the door. Yeah? I am here to take your blood.

10 minutes.

Then he came back. I say didn't I say come back in a year, 6 months?

He wasn't taking any of that. Nope it's torture time. I show him the big open vein on my right hand. So he says, "that would not challenge my abilities, gimme your left". Bastard. Fortunately he did have abilities and the blood flowed. There was a bulge there growing. I would have thought that if you take blood out, it would not bulge. Funny. Then he left. Since he didn't work on the weekends I said I was safe for a few days, he replied there are replacements, doh!

a day in oz

So this is a day in an oz hospital.

House keeping comes in the morning. No towels, brush, soap, clothes? My wife is bringing it. So she gets the prison uniform, toothbrush, shaving cream, mouth wash, towels, razor. Nice, but it's still a hospital, a place of death and torture.

Breakfast also comes in, cereal or porridge. Cereal please. Another lady comes in and ask for my choice for the day, halal blah or halal blah for lunch, and dinner? Nice, halal western food. But you loose your appetite in hospital.

So far I have escaped the needles except for the pin pricks for checking the blood sugar levels. I still worry thought.

day one in hospital

So the next day I take the bus to the hospital to the city. My wife was not too confident of driving so the bus was the way to go.

I get there, I register, then wait for a bed...5 hours. The nurse say you can go and come back around 2-3pm. Ok so I go to the city looking for food, halal food. Once I get there after walking so long, the hospital calls saying a doctor wanted to see me. Unbelievable, this always happens when I leave the hospital.

So I buy something from a halal cafe and go back.

The nurse pages the doc. The docs comes and in passing said that she was from Malaysia. How about that, we export something, but they never return.

I see a neuro assistant and radio oncology assistant. They do some simple tests and that was it.

Later my bed was ready. I go. It was a single room. Cool a room of my own (just lucky). I was expecting the 'prison garb' but this did not happen. I was also expecting the piping but this also did not happen. Cool and relieved.

We were chilling out when a women entered asking what I would like to eat. We have...then the halal word popped out. She says yeah we can get you that for tomorrow. There's none tonight. So I ask for vegetarian.

scans are ready

Tuesday, no calls.

Wednesday...nothing...ring. It was the doc. He said how are you, how's your headache, your brain is swelling. I knew it was not good from that alone. He says I want you to admit yourself to emergency. Sounds bad. Lucky I didn't have to visit him, else straight to the ward.

It was night and I didn't feel that anything was going to happen at the hospital and having spent time in hospital, I would rather spend some more time with my wife and daughter.

I say, tomorrow? He sounded disappointed and added you better get some steroids. Yeah my favourite.

I go around looking for a chemist and luckily find an opened one. I didn't have a prescription so I had to give the chemist the doc's number. Luckily all goes well (for once) and I get my 'medicine'. Steroids $18, antacid $35. Bodybuilders pay hundreds for steroids. I get this for $18.

By the way, you cannot drive anymore.

my head glows

A day later the doc's office calls to say that my scan is set for Saturday.

Cool, so I go. "This is a private clinic, all charges have to be settled." This means I have to pay something. The MRI scans in Malaysia are $1200, so it ain't gonna be cheap.

I was early, for once, and they were late but I waited patiently. Then it was my turn and the piping was necessary. I hate IV piping. It didn't hurt...much ... but I still hate it. Pulling nasal or facial hair hurts more.

I had to change to the 'prison garb' and I forgot to wear underwear, hope nobody noticed. I also forgot to remove my ring! Lucky it didn't get suck into the MRI machine. It's magnetic after all.

I got earphones to listen to music. The noise from the MRI was so loud I could not hear anything anyway. Wonder what the speakers are made off, magnet safe?

After 30 minutes or so I was free.

$630+, I knew it would cost me. The gadolinium alone was $68. Lucky I didn't get the one HKL used that would have made me glow. I am penniless so on to the credit card it goes.

Your scans will be ready by Tuesday.

first contact

So I see the doctor. Happens to originate from Ipoh, funny. (Even the chemist near my house was from Malaysia.)

Anyways, we have the small talk and look at the 'holiday photos' (scans). Blah blah blah then he suggests that I go for an MRI scan. I was eager for this as it had been a while since the last one and I was beginning to get minor headaches.

With contrast? Yep...darn I hate contrast.


comprehensive cancer center

Well it sounded good. After parking and looking for the place, Dr G didn't work here anymore! I say that any cancer doctor will do and the answer was that a doc was going for 1 week leave and the other was taking the slack and it will be a long wait.

Unbelievable. The receptionist tracked Dr G down like a dog and faxed my referral. Dr G's office calls and say okay, 6 Oct...and...$200. Ok-lah a few days from now.

What to do.


A few days later armed with my new ticket I book an appointment with a general practitioner (GP).

My sister says the egyptian doctor was good but he was busy so I was left with Dr Pang.

When I met him I knew this was going to be a crappy visit. Sure was, so to cut to the point I just ask him to get a referral to another doctor. Then I was out. I don't want to see this guy anymore, a very bland visit.