Wednesday, February 4, 2009

No turning back

So I'm on my way to Ipoh n my friend M calls. So we joke around. Got to the topic of hospital garbs. I think it was designed by mahatma gandhi. We got to whether u can wear underwear at hospital. We concluded no n that doctors r gay n wanted to see our willy. But there's male nurses too.

Somehow we got to the topic of removing the virus in my Windows head and that I will soon be rebooted with linux. NERDS.

This is it. D (hopefully not death)day. I go to d ward.

Ask about d wad class and d girl says 'go see lah'. Ok so we go. Class 3 is d battery chicken section, while class 2 is in the same room but at d opposite end with less people (16). The difference is the food n i will be charged at 2nd class rates for anything n everything.

My first visitor is d HO (house officer ie postgrad). She wants to put d iv needle into me. Man that thing sucks. Its so discomforting. Then she pulls d plug out. I'm tinking, wouldn't d blood spew out? Dang sure did all over d place. She then rushed to suck it up with a syringe. Then she goes but later comes back wanting more blood. Vampire this one.

Next comes doctor Shan. Comes to explain something but i was still in oz. He did mention something about a risk from stroke. That i will have muscle weakness. But to exercise. Huh? This doesn't sound like stroke. Oh wel this is post op i'm stil concerned about op day. Then he talked about patching my skull back with string. String! Plus I cant travel by plane for two years (actually this point was raised later by another MO). But d alternative is titanium screws n i plates at $200 a set. I need 3 to 4. Oh well imagine those guys who sujud very hard just to get d marks on d forehead? Well it would be death for me to do that with string holding my forehead.

But his real intentions is for me to sign my life away. That's right I gave permission to do anything they want. Anything. And by anyone. As for as i know they can get hannibal lecter to operate and eat my tumor. But it's a no brainer, i had to sign.

The other form was for a blood transfusion. Basically they can give me anything they want even mud. No, not really it's a waiver against anything wrong with the blöod its not their fault. Wonder if flesh eating virus can live in d blood bank?

I go to d canteen then they call to say d aneasthatist (bius man) wanted to see me. So i guzzle d bihun sup n back i go.

The bius man explained that they will inject me with some happy fluid to help sleep then the happy happy gas then the muscle relaxant so that i won't be able to tel them I am awake. I have heard cases where people become concious mid op n this is my greatest fear n anxiety. Man i shouldn't have watch d movie awake. But never thought i would have to face d music so soon. He tries to reassure me that it will be ok n d bius man (which won't be him) wil have equipment to monitor me. Again i have no choice really. Sign or resign. So i sign.

Later someone walks straight to me n say my name. I say yeah. He didn't intro himself. I'm thinking 'are u d angel of death Izrael?'. He proceeds saying 'kami mengisytiharkan bahawa operasi anda pospone ke jumaat.'. So i live in fear for another day.