Several days later Dr/Mr Cheang makes a visit. He says will if the leak don't stop they'll have to make a vp shunt. A vice president shunt? Later I check on the internet that it is a ventriculo peritoneal shunt ie a vent to the peritoneal (stomach). This is a vent at the back of the head to drain the CSF ie surgery. This make the lumbar drain look more attractive seeing as it's not permanent. I thought the vp shunt was temporary and will require surgery to remove it. But no, it's to stay, a very long time. I don't like the idea of this tube to the stomach and very long time in one sentence. So I say no handstands, thinking it may go from the stomach back into the brain. He says it has a pressure valve , so only at a certain pressure does it drain and the valve prevents the fluid from going back into the brain. But the risk is that there may be infection. Great more things that can go wrong. I ask about the lumbar drain. He says that that was not going to happen.

A possible bad case is if the flesh covering the hole in my skull base breaks in which case I will get another major surgery. This time a piece of my stomach is removed, my nose cracked open and the flesh from the stomach shoved into the hole, once and for all. A 20 hour surgery!
I think he should've placed a torch under his chin and shone it upwards and rubbed his hands at the same time.
Man it's getting bad to worst.
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