when you sign the release form you become a patient ie a slab of meat that can be punitively handled. However patients should be regarded as customers as their power to complain carries weight and will affect the 'business'.
When in this context all customer facing profession suffer from complacency. Not just hospital staff. They sometime require a refresher course on customer handling, perception and empathy.
Sometimes some staff are use to their work that they forget to ask the patient whether they have experienced what they are about to do ie wash the throat. Sometimes they seem to be in a hurry, I'm not going anywhere, I'm a captive audience. Sometimes I feel like a piece in a factory, I get worked on as fast as can be by the operators and then the next procedure.
The nurses on practical are good as they are less experienced so they listen more.
Oh well the best that I can say is to be prepared when going to hospital. Reading other peoples account or talking to someone who has hospital experience will help prepare for ones time in hospital and reduce the surprises.