This is where an ultrasound machine is used to guide a needle to a spot in your body to collect a tissue sample.
This appointment was at nine. I had to wake up really early for this and catch the city bus. Eventually I was 5 minutes late but fortunately no one complained. I had to wear a prison garb but I could keep my pants. I laid on the bed and a the doctor (Dr John) gave a run through of the lymph node. I see this black 'bubble'. Seems pretty big to me. That was it. He mentions that it may not be cancerous, possibly just a growth. Then he washed my neck with alcohol. I couldn't smell it but the fumes caught my nose. Yes this definitely was alcohol. Then an operating paper cover with a hole over the treatment area. Next the needle. "You feel a prick then a sting like a bee." Yep that was what I got. The second shot wasn't very noticeable. Wonder if there was even a third? That was it, a short wait then it was time. The pathology department also came along to make sure there was sufficient samples. This is to avoid a repeat if some sample(s) was missing. Next I feel a lean on my neck where the ultrasound was being placed. I was facing the ultrasound screen so I can see what was happening. Next thing I know I can see a needle poking into the black spot. Lucky I couldn't feel it but yes there is a needle poking into my neck. He repeated the sampling multiple times, in total probably around 10 times. Each at various places, the middle, the 'skin' of the lymph node, here, there. The last 2 samples I felt a little ache. I was wondering if the anesthetic was wearing off. Hope that was it. I always thought that the biopsy would be a poke then a pincher to take a sample. What I saw was no such thing. The doctor was jiggling the needle like he was making coffee. May as well put a blender in there, why not. Wonder if it's gonna do anything bad.
Then it was over. Thank god. I then had to wait 20 minutes.
After 20 minutes the nurse asks the doctor to check. The doctor says it may bruise, if there is pain take paracetamol and if there is major swelling, see a doctor. Thanks.
I go and wonder. If this growth is not cancer then metastasis has not occurred and the major surgery may again be possibly curative. Which means I may have the choice of doing it. Not sure whether that is a good thing. If it is cancerous, then the operation would be off and radio in. But it would mean my time would be numbered. The doc said results early next week. I wait and see.
Later in the day I had to finalise my unemployment benefits. Hope I get it. I need the money.