Monday, October 26, 2009

the titanic still sunk

As expected the 'group' comes in. A big group of doctors lead by the neuro team. Maybe they were the neuro team. He says 'howa ya' (how are you in english). I say ok. "I hear you can go home today". News to me. Your surgery is on the 11 nov. So I don't need to answer the question. You can do the eye test as an outpatient and another MRI when you check again on the 10th.

That's it then. No turning back. If ever I am to beat this thing it will have to be before the 10th, before the MRI.

Later around 11 I say goodbye to the other inmates and was discharged. I have to see the eye doc on Thursday and get check my Phenytoin levels at a GP and check in on the 10th for and MRI. If any miracles were to happen it would have to be before the next MRI. This is the time for voodoo, herbs, diet, anything.