I got home. Sweet. All I wanted to do was lay on the sofa and watch TV. Something I had not been able to do for over a week. A day later I started to get a headache and I was sweating hot and cold. Just my luck I got the flu. So i think nothing of it and just wait it out. The usual paracetamol should do the trick.
A week later it tailed out but I started getting a runny nose. Especially in my left nostril. I also managed to pull out a big booger. This biggest probably in the world, a world record, but it was a blood clot. It was an ugly thing, image jabba the hutt but black. I should've preserved it but I lost it. A few days later a genuine big booger. But something strange was happening. The right nostril was leaking more than the left and in most days the left nostril was dry. This was not good. eventually the left nostril was dry but the right leaked something that was not mucus but rather, liquid. I had a bad feeling this was brain fluid.
Regardless of what I did it still dripped. I was hoping that it would go away but it was constant. I had a follow up appointment on Monday so I was just hoping it would go away. But it didn't. On the day of the appointment it still dripped. It had a mind of its own. Enticing me to think it was ok but whenever I felt it was ok it leaked. Whenever I thought it was reduced, it increased. It driving me nuts. If I was a sim some higher being must have been really torturing me good.
I saw the doctor and she asked whether there was any leakage. I said yep. She asked whether it was a lot, on a decrease, increase? I said decrease, sort of. But at that moment a drop leaked out. So she asked the boss Mr Cheang. She says well, it's back to the ward I go. What! Now now? Sure was. She filled the form and off to admission I go. I couldn't believe it. What twist of horrible fate this was. I had a feeling I was going back to hospital but not now as in now. I didn't bring anything, I wasn't prepared for it. Man I couldn't believe it.
So I go to admit myself in disbelief. I ask for third class thinking I would only need a bed, nothing unusual no operation (so I thought) anyways by this time my finances was rock bottom. I couldn't afford second class, there wasn't much difference anyways (thanks to the british for introducing this class crap, funny how they don't apply it to themselves anymore, now they just call it economy class and business class).
And off to the ward I go.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
exit stage left
A day or two later Mr cheang visits and ask if I am leaking. I said no, so it was time to leave. After 8 days I get my freedom. I say goodbye to rocephine, the sadist, the IV line the food, everything. I ain't gonna come back! Or so I thought.
I do go with some souvenirs.
A bruised neck from when my scalp was cut and the blood flow blocked. Or was that the other IV line that was piped via my neck.

Bruised wrists. don't know why this happened. Maybe it happened when I was in the operation room. Must've been something 'good'.
The tiny blue dot on the middle is where the needle went in to suck my brain dry. The irritation marks you cannot believe how itchy it was. Plus some pimples due to the steroids.
I also had sensitive veins in my ankles from where they put IV lines. Didn't have bruises there though.
I do go with some souvenirs.


The tiny blue dot on the middle is where the needle went in to suck my brain dry. The irritation marks you cannot believe how itchy it was. Plus some pimples due to the steroids.
I also had sensitive veins in my ankles from where they put IV lines. Didn't have bruises there though.
family sucks
I don't understand some attitudes of family members. They think that since they are somehow related to me that they can intrude into my privacy on the pretence of 'helping'.
These assholes have more respect for their friends then for me. Instead of asking me private questions about my finances, how much money I have in the bank, my sex life, they ask my wife. What inconsiderate bastards. These questions are irrelevant to helping. If they had asked me I would've told them to screw themselves. This really PISSED me off. I had to send them a few words via SMS and will follow it up when I see them.
One of my friends gave me some money without any conditions.I told him it was too much. He said if he won't help who would he help. Bless his soul. The best thing you can give to someone who is honestly giving is to accept. So that's what I did with many thanks. That money went a long long way, I made it stretch very far seeing as at this point I was about 4 months without income.
The best way to help someone in need is to say what you can offer, not pry then offer nothing.
These assholes have more respect for their friends then for me. Instead of asking me private questions about my finances, how much money I have in the bank, my sex life, they ask my wife. What inconsiderate bastards. These questions are irrelevant to helping. If they had asked me I would've told them to screw themselves. This really PISSED me off. I had to send them a few words via SMS and will follow it up when I see them.
One of my friends gave me some money without any conditions.I told him it was too much. He said if he won't help who would he help. Bless his soul. The best thing you can give to someone who is honestly giving is to accept. So that's what I did with many thanks. That money went a long long way, I made it stretch very far seeing as at this point I was about 4 months without income.
The best way to help someone in need is to say what you can offer, not pry then offer nothing.
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