A day or two later Mr cheang visits and ask if I am leaking. I said no, so it was time to leave. After 8 days I get my freedom. I say goodbye to rocephine, the sadist, the IV line the food, everything. I ain't gonna come back! Or so I thought.
I do go with some souvenirs.


A bruised neck from when my scalp was cut and the blood flow blocked. Or was that the other IV line that was piped via my neck.

Bruised wrists. don't know why this happened. Maybe it happened when I was in the operation room. Must've been something 'good'.

The tiny blue dot on the middle is where the needle went in to suck my brain dry. The irritation marks you cannot believe how itchy it was. Plus some pimples due to the steroids.
I also had sensitive veins in my ankles from where they put IV lines. Didn't have bruises there though.
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