Friday, January 15, 2010

time to glow

This was a while back as I have been a little lazy with the blog.

This is it, radiotherapy treatment number 1. My wife and I took the bus to the hospital. I had an appointment card with a barcode. I scanned it and this registers my arrival at the 'tuart' unit. There are multiple units at the center. I sit a few minutes and then called in. The nurse introduces herself, and as usual I forget 2 minutes later. There seems to be new nurses every few days anyways. Although it would be nice to remember a name or two but this was not to be the case.

I mentioned to the nurse I had some nausea and she gave me an under the tongue pill. She said it was expensive so I was not going to get it...for free or otherwise. Just had to say I was nausious on the day and I would get a pill.I find it hard to believe these pills as if I'm gonna throw (up), throw up.

I lay on the slab, get positioned using the lasers and the mask placed to keep me in place. Then they ran out. I guess it wasn't safe. The machine moves as it shoots radiation at me. Straight through the head. 5 minutes later it was done.

Seems more work to get here than the therapy, getting up, getting ready, travelling just for 5 minutes of therapy. Oh well, better than surgery.

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