Sunday, April 19, 2009

light at the end of the nostril

It was ENT time. I was late 12ish and the appointment was for 10. Hope no-one complained. When I went to the waiting room the nurse ecognise me and said the docs out for lunch, come back at 2pm. Not much I can do, just have to hang around and accept the 'punishment'.

2pm comes by and in I went. He managed a 'how are you' I said good, after all no CSF leak. His office was more quiet now and he seems to have more time. In went the 'anaesthetic' the cocaine. I took a sniff, wonder if it 'helps'. Don't feel any 'happier'.

Then up went the scope. I see that there is flesh from the left wall connected to the right wall. The passage now seems blocked by growth, there was 3 small openings. One seemed to go to a dead end, one to the base skull and the other I don't know. Looking at this it appears that there is no way a feeding tube can go up there. He then zoomed in to the central opening. It was dark but there seems to be a bubble like thing at the end. It was also throbbing. He says 'that's your brain throbbing'. I'm actually looking at my brain! The throbbing coincides with my heart beat so it looks like the blood rush from the my heart is showing through the hole in the base skull. I think to myself, this looks bad, the central opening goes straight to my brain. If I go into a coma hospital staff may insert a feeding tube throught the nose. If they put it through the right nostril then it will go straight to and possibly through my brain.

The white stuff that I thought was some kind of gel was still visible. This time he said he was going to remove it with tweezers. Ok. I look on as he pinches the thing and pull it out. It bled a little. It was a small thing. I thought it was bigger. Under it seems growth. Permanent growth that blocks my nostril. There was now no way anything can go through there anymore.

The doc says I'll see you in a few days. He asks if I'm gonna get radiotherapy or chemo. I said I'll see the neuro on monday, I'll find out then and let you know on tuesday.

I ask him about a medic alert badge to inform medics I cannot have tubes entering the right nostril. He said he didn't know. I voice my concern about the nostril he said he can right a memo and put it in my wallet. I said ok, maybe I can write something obvious and attention grabbing so someone can read the memo.

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