So I go to the ward. I wanted a class 3 bed but they were all full so I settled in the class 2 bed. People recognized me and ask why I am back, so I say I'm leaking CSF.
I then get the standard issue green uniform. One size fits all, meaning for me the pants are huge as well as the top. What to do. Once warded I knew I will get the standard issue plumbing, the IV line. I hate that thing and still do and will do till the day I die which hopefully will not be for a long time. I do admit that the pain is less than the pain of getting juice through the IV line after it has been buried in there for a few days.
You also get a complimentary name tag so you don't forget who you are.
Then the a doctor came with the stainless steel bowl/tray. I knew what that meant. It's usually something involving needles. But I already knew that it's gonna be the plumbing. So it was that I got the needle stuck behind my hand. I closed my eyes because it actually hurts less.
I got admitted at 3pm. I fear that it might be enough time to meet my old nemesis rocephine. The day wears on and no sight of rocephine. Woohoo I survive a day.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
what goes around...
I got home. Sweet. All I wanted to do was lay on the sofa and watch TV. Something I had not been able to do for over a week. A day later I started to get a headache and I was sweating hot and cold. Just my luck I got the flu. So i think nothing of it and just wait it out. The usual paracetamol should do the trick.
A week later it tailed out but I started getting a runny nose. Especially in my left nostril. I also managed to pull out a big booger. This biggest probably in the world, a world record, but it was a blood clot. It was an ugly thing, image jabba the hutt but black. I should've preserved it but I lost it. A few days later a genuine big booger. But something strange was happening. The right nostril was leaking more than the left and in most days the left nostril was dry. This was not good. eventually the left nostril was dry but the right leaked something that was not mucus but rather, liquid. I had a bad feeling this was brain fluid.
Regardless of what I did it still dripped. I was hoping that it would go away but it was constant. I had a follow up appointment on Monday so I was just hoping it would go away. But it didn't. On the day of the appointment it still dripped. It had a mind of its own. Enticing me to think it was ok but whenever I felt it was ok it leaked. Whenever I thought it was reduced, it increased. It driving me nuts. If I was a sim some higher being must have been really torturing me good.
I saw the doctor and she asked whether there was any leakage. I said yep. She asked whether it was a lot, on a decrease, increase? I said decrease, sort of. But at that moment a drop leaked out. So she asked the boss Mr Cheang. She says well, it's back to the ward I go. What! Now now? Sure was. She filled the form and off to admission I go. I couldn't believe it. What twist of horrible fate this was. I had a feeling I was going back to hospital but not now as in now. I didn't bring anything, I wasn't prepared for it. Man I couldn't believe it.
So I go to admit myself in disbelief. I ask for third class thinking I would only need a bed, nothing unusual no operation (so I thought) anyways by this time my finances was rock bottom. I couldn't afford second class, there wasn't much difference anyways (thanks to the british for introducing this class crap, funny how they don't apply it to themselves anymore, now they just call it economy class and business class).
And off to the ward I go.
A week later it tailed out but I started getting a runny nose. Especially in my left nostril. I also managed to pull out a big booger. This biggest probably in the world, a world record, but it was a blood clot. It was an ugly thing, image jabba the hutt but black. I should've preserved it but I lost it. A few days later a genuine big booger. But something strange was happening. The right nostril was leaking more than the left and in most days the left nostril was dry. This was not good. eventually the left nostril was dry but the right leaked something that was not mucus but rather, liquid. I had a bad feeling this was brain fluid.
Regardless of what I did it still dripped. I was hoping that it would go away but it was constant. I had a follow up appointment on Monday so I was just hoping it would go away. But it didn't. On the day of the appointment it still dripped. It had a mind of its own. Enticing me to think it was ok but whenever I felt it was ok it leaked. Whenever I thought it was reduced, it increased. It driving me nuts. If I was a sim some higher being must have been really torturing me good.
I saw the doctor and she asked whether there was any leakage. I said yep. She asked whether it was a lot, on a decrease, increase? I said decrease, sort of. But at that moment a drop leaked out. So she asked the boss Mr Cheang. She says well, it's back to the ward I go. What! Now now? Sure was. She filled the form and off to admission I go. I couldn't believe it. What twist of horrible fate this was. I had a feeling I was going back to hospital but not now as in now. I didn't bring anything, I wasn't prepared for it. Man I couldn't believe it.
So I go to admit myself in disbelief. I ask for third class thinking I would only need a bed, nothing unusual no operation (so I thought) anyways by this time my finances was rock bottom. I couldn't afford second class, there wasn't much difference anyways (thanks to the british for introducing this class crap, funny how they don't apply it to themselves anymore, now they just call it economy class and business class).
And off to the ward I go.
exit stage left
A day or two later Mr cheang visits and ask if I am leaking. I said no, so it was time to leave. After 8 days I get my freedom. I say goodbye to rocephine, the sadist, the IV line the food, everything. I ain't gonna come back! Or so I thought.
I do go with some souvenirs.
A bruised neck from when my scalp was cut and the blood flow blocked. Or was that the other IV line that was piped via my neck.

Bruised wrists. don't know why this happened. Maybe it happened when I was in the operation room. Must've been something 'good'.
The tiny blue dot on the middle is where the needle went in to suck my brain dry. The irritation marks you cannot believe how itchy it was. Plus some pimples due to the steroids.
I also had sensitive veins in my ankles from where they put IV lines. Didn't have bruises there though.
I do go with some souvenirs.


The tiny blue dot on the middle is where the needle went in to suck my brain dry. The irritation marks you cannot believe how itchy it was. Plus some pimples due to the steroids.
I also had sensitive veins in my ankles from where they put IV lines. Didn't have bruises there though.
family sucks
I don't understand some attitudes of family members. They think that since they are somehow related to me that they can intrude into my privacy on the pretence of 'helping'.
These assholes have more respect for their friends then for me. Instead of asking me private questions about my finances, how much money I have in the bank, my sex life, they ask my wife. What inconsiderate bastards. These questions are irrelevant to helping. If they had asked me I would've told them to screw themselves. This really PISSED me off. I had to send them a few words via SMS and will follow it up when I see them.
One of my friends gave me some money without any conditions.I told him it was too much. He said if he won't help who would he help. Bless his soul. The best thing you can give to someone who is honestly giving is to accept. So that's what I did with many thanks. That money went a long long way, I made it stretch very far seeing as at this point I was about 4 months without income.
The best way to help someone in need is to say what you can offer, not pry then offer nothing.
These assholes have more respect for their friends then for me. Instead of asking me private questions about my finances, how much money I have in the bank, my sex life, they ask my wife. What inconsiderate bastards. These questions are irrelevant to helping. If they had asked me I would've told them to screw themselves. This really PISSED me off. I had to send them a few words via SMS and will follow it up when I see them.
One of my friends gave me some money without any conditions.I told him it was too much. He said if he won't help who would he help. Bless his soul. The best thing you can give to someone who is honestly giving is to accept. So that's what I did with many thanks. That money went a long long way, I made it stretch very far seeing as at this point I was about 4 months without income.
The best way to help someone in need is to say what you can offer, not pry then offer nothing.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
a drain on the brain
Without the urine bag I had 1 bag left. The CSF lumbar drain bag. This meant that I can have more mobility. I wasn't about to take a shower for fear that the lumbar drain might get infected, after all, this is poking into my spine. Mr cheang came around asking if I had any CSF leakage from my nose, I said no. The lumbar drain had been blocked for a while so if it were to leak I would have. So he says that it should be ok to remove the drain. I was not too keen on this as if it were to leak again puting that thing back in must be agony and not to mention dangerous. I wasn't too keen on anyone buggering around in my spine. But it was to go. On the bright side the sooner it goes the sooner I go home. Then he checked my calf and thigh muscles. He said when I get home I should do some exercises. Who me? I was fit as a fiddle. Did the exercises before being warded.
So it was to go. Dr thinnesh had the privilege of doing it. So I go to the treatment room to get it out. I laid on the bed so I couldn't see how they did. I felt some stinging feeling. Don't know if there was something strong holding it. Then one more sting to get the needle out and that was it. I was FREE! He then sprayed something probably antibacteria or something.
I was now able to move around, shower, poo etc. (I was wearing diapers all this while and I had been avoiding heavy foods to avoid soiling my daipers. There was no way I was going to poo in diapers.) I then realise what the doctor meant. My muscles had atrophied. I couldn't even squat. Damn. This is gonna take a while to recover. No wonder he said I will need to exercise. What a burden.
So it was to go. Dr thinnesh had the privilege of doing it. So I go to the treatment room to get it out. I laid on the bed so I couldn't see how they did. I felt some stinging feeling. Don't know if there was something strong holding it. Then one more sting to get the needle out and that was it. I was FREE! He then sprayed something probably antibacteria or something.
I was now able to move around, shower, poo etc. (I was wearing diapers all this while and I had been avoiding heavy foods to avoid soiling my daipers. There was no way I was going to poo in diapers.) I then realise what the doctor meant. My muscles had atrophied. I couldn't even squat. Damn. This is gonna take a while to recover. No wonder he said I will need to exercise. What a burden.
no bags please
don't know why I am having so much trouble with accessing google and yahoo. Publishing blogs is also a problem. This popped up after I did an update on OSX. I'm sure something bad happened or have my ISP given be the finger? Also the date on my pc screwed up because the cmos battery went down, can my certificates have any effect?
To continue it was time to remove the urine bag, including the tube. This is a good thing, it means I am closer to going home but I have heard stories from the ward that this is going to be an experience. One guy mentioned how painful it was to remove but said it depended on whether the balloon was deflated and who was doing it. There was also the post removal. One guy said that it was painful to urinate (excruciating actually). I've had painful urination before, the burning sensation and it IS excruciating. Urination is not an off on thing, once it comes out it gushes for a while and is difficult to quell.
Well I have no choice just trainees are going to do it! I ask them whether they have done this before, they said yeah. That's reassuring, but how pleasant is this going to be?
I take off my standard issue pants, actually this will be the first time I will have seen it because all this time I have not looked at it. I was surprised that the tube seemed relatively large for the hole that it was going into. Poor thing. Morning glories are also uncomfortable, I have to think about unpleasant things to deflate it. I do feel a tingling at the end of my 'willie'. I know what that means. Wonder if they talk about peoples sizes later in private? You know fred astaire was small but he can dance! Anyways she took a syringe and said she was going to deflate the balloon. Balloon? What the hell is a balloon doing in my bladder? Then I noticed a branch in the tube where the syringe goes. Interesting. Well she sucked all the water out of the balloon via the access tube. Then signalled she was about to remove the tube. I ask if it will hurt, she says no but adds take a deep breath. Huh? That usually mean pain. Well, what can I do? She was gonna pull it and there was nothing I can do. So she starts pulling, it wasn't painful, rather smooth but uncomfortable. The tip passed some sensitive places, the prostate, the G spot, the perineum, etc. It WAS uncomfortable. Can't imagine this tube going in although I have heard my bed neighbour getting it and sounded like it was irritating and painful.
Then it was out. It was long! Oh well it's out now and hope it's the last I'll see of it. The tip did have something like a deflated balloon at the end of it. Now I have the choice of going to the toilet and let some out probably painfully but a little or I wait as long as I can later and let the tip of my willie recover but it's gonna gush uncontrollably. I took the latter option, it's a chance. So that night I had to go, I couldn't hold it back any longer. Thoughts of agony from other 'users' crossed my mind so I try a little as best as I can and felt painless, so I let it all out, relieved like you wouldn't believe.
To continue it was time to remove the urine bag, including the tube. This is a good thing, it means I am closer to going home but I have heard stories from the ward that this is going to be an experience. One guy mentioned how painful it was to remove but said it depended on whether the balloon was deflated and who was doing it. There was also the post removal. One guy said that it was painful to urinate (excruciating actually). I've had painful urination before, the burning sensation and it IS excruciating. Urination is not an off on thing, once it comes out it gushes for a while and is difficult to quell.
Well I have no choice just trainees are going to do it! I ask them whether they have done this before, they said yeah. That's reassuring, but how pleasant is this going to be?
I take off my standard issue pants, actually this will be the first time I will have seen it because all this time I have not looked at it. I was surprised that the tube seemed relatively large for the hole that it was going into. Poor thing. Morning glories are also uncomfortable, I have to think about unpleasant things to deflate it. I do feel a tingling at the end of my 'willie'. I know what that means. Wonder if they talk about peoples sizes later in private? You know fred astaire was small but he can dance! Anyways she took a syringe and said she was going to deflate the balloon. Balloon? What the hell is a balloon doing in my bladder? Then I noticed a branch in the tube where the syringe goes. Interesting. Well she sucked all the water out of the balloon via the access tube. Then signalled she was about to remove the tube. I ask if it will hurt, she says no but adds take a deep breath. Huh? That usually mean pain. Well, what can I do? She was gonna pull it and there was nothing I can do. So she starts pulling, it wasn't painful, rather smooth but uncomfortable. The tip passed some sensitive places, the prostate, the G spot, the perineum, etc. It WAS uncomfortable. Can't imagine this tube going in although I have heard my bed neighbour getting it and sounded like it was irritating and painful.
Then it was out. It was long! Oh well it's out now and hope it's the last I'll see of it. The tip did have something like a deflated balloon at the end of it. Now I have the choice of going to the toilet and let some out probably painfully but a little or I wait as long as I can later and let the tip of my willie recover but it's gonna gush uncontrollably. I took the latter option, it's a chance. So that night I had to go, I couldn't hold it back any longer. Thoughts of agony from other 'users' crossed my mind so I try a little as best as I can and felt painless, so I let it all out, relieved like you wouldn't believe.
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